Sunday, June 1, 2014


Lucky Green Pants Keychain Finger Puppet

Windsor Circle,
from Durham North Carolina, won top prize at the very first
Google Entrepreneurs Demo Day, on April 2, 2014.
The team showed up for the challenge, all sporting their Lucky Bonobo Green Pants.
I don’t think it was just the bright green pants that set this team apart.
They all have a great team spirit, and they are bound for success!
Bonobo is one of Windsor Circle’s top clients, and also the maker of the Green pants, (and a whole line of other clothing).

Winsor Circle Green Pants:

Bonobo Official Site:

I designed this Green Pants Key-chain that turns into a silly little Finger Puppet.
I am so proud that my son works with this team.
Happy hooking, and hope you enjoy.

Lucky Green Pants Finger Puppet designed by Pam Perkins

YouTube Video of the Key-chain:

Windsor Circle Puppet Dance: 

Smile every chance you get.
Red Heart Super Saver Worsted Weight Yarn
              Glowworm Bright Green ~ 17 yards
              Bright Yellow ~2 yards
  Brown ~ 1 ½ yards      
Sport Weight or Embroidery Floss for Mouth
Black ~ 6 inches

4 mm / G Hook
Yarn needle to weave in ends
Tapestry needle to sew mouth
25 mm Split Ring (usually found in the jewelry craft sections)

Optional: Google Plastic Eyes and Permanent Fabric Glue
Remember: Google eyes are not safe for young children.
* Could instead use White & Black Felt or Thread Crocheted Eyes. 

Gauge:  4 sc and 5 rows = ~ 1” (2.5 cm)

Finished Size Pants with face tucked in =~ 2 1/2″ (6.5 cm) wide, ~ 3″ (7.6 cm) tall
               Pants and Face showing = ~ 3 ¾″       (9.5 cm) tall                              

US Terminology

Gauge:  6 sc and 6 Rnds = ~ 2”  Not crucial.

= Approximately
Beg = Beginning
Ch(s) = Chain(s)
Dc = Double Crochet
FO = Fasten Off
Hdc = Half Double Crochet
Lp(s) = Loop(s)
Rnd(s) = Round(s)
RS = Right Side
Sc = Single Crochet
Ss = Slip Stitch
St(s) = Stitch(es)

US Terminology

Regarding copyright:
This is a free pattern for your personal use.
You are welcome to sell any items that you make.
But please, do not sell the pattern or reproduce the text without permission.

Pattern Notes:
              Legs will be worked in spirals.
              When working in a spiral, do not join or ch 1 for the rounds. 
              Use a contrasting thread to mark the beginning of each round.
              Marked stitches are just to help with placement. 

Pants:  Use Green and 4mm hook:
Rnd 1:    Ch 20.  Being careful not to twist, join with a ss to the first ch to form a ring.

Notes:    Make the Sc’s over the top and back loops. This will leave clear holes for adding the face and belt later.
              Mark the 13th chain-hole for placement later.

              Ch 1, Sc in the same ch and each ch around. Join with a ss to first sc.  (20)
Rnds 2-4:  Ch 1, Sc around. Join. (20)  
              Note: Place a stitch marker on the last joining ss for locating in Rnd 6 of first leg. 
First Leg:
Rnd 5:    DO NOT ch 1.  Skip the marked joined st.
              Sc in next 8 sts, ss in next, Ch 2, skip the last 10 sts. (1ss, 8sc, 1ss, 2chs)
Rnd 6:    Sc in the marked ss, Sc in next 8 sc’s, Sc in the ss and in the top-loop-only of each of the 2 chs. (12sc)
Rnds 7-11:  Place a marker.  Use a thread or stitch marker to keep track of beg of Rnds.

              Working in a spiral, Sc in each st around.  (5 Rnds - 12 sc each)
              At the end of Rnd 11, ss in the next 2 sts.  FO and weave in end.         
Second Leg:
Rnd 5:    With Pants upside down,
              Join with a ss in the first skipped st in Front.  DO NOT ch 1. 
              Sc in next 8 sts, ss in next, Sc in the free loops of the 2 chs of first leg. (1 joined ss, 8sc, 1ss, 2sc)
Rnd 6:    Place marker for working in a spiral.
              Sc in same st as the joined ss, Sc in next 8 sc’s, Sc in the ss and the last 2 sc’s. (12sc)

Rnds 7-11:       Sc in each st around.  (5 Rnds - 12 sc each)
                       At the end of Rnd 11, ss in the next 2 sts.  FO and weave in end.
Face:  Use Yellow and 4mm hook:
Row 1:   Join yarn with a Sc in the marked St (13h st of Rnd 1 of Pants).
              Sc in the next 6 sts.  (7)
Row 2:   Ch 1, turn.  Sc across.  (7)
Row 3:   Ch 1, turn.  Sc in first st, Hdc in next, Dc in next 3 sts, Hdc in next, Sc in last st.   (sc, hdc, 3dc, hdc, sc)
              FO and weave in.

Belt:  Use Brown and 4mm hook:          
              Holding pants upright (legs down), with back facing, and joined sts at center top, you will be working in the free-chain-loop-holes on the waist:
              Make a slip knot on the beginning yarn, and then remove it from the hook.
              Insert hook into the first st to the left of the join on Rnd 1 of Pants.

              Pull up a loop.
              *Insert hook into the next hole to the left and pull a loop up and through the loop on the hook.
              Continue around all 20 sts.
              The last st will be in the same st as where your beginning-pull-thru started.   (20 surface ss) 
              Do Not FO.  Continue to the Key-ring Loop.

Key-ring Loop:

              Ch 6, remove hook from loop, being careful not to drop the loop.
              Measure and cut about 6 to 8 inches of ending yarn.
              Place a Split Ring over the 6 chains,
              and then replace the hook into the working loop.
              Ss in the first ch and then ss in the same as last st on pants. 
              FO.  Bring ending yarn to the back and weave in.
Eyes:     Glue the Google Plastic eyes (or the felt or crocheted eyes) in place.

Mouth:  Using Black Sport Wt yarn and tapestry sewing needle:
              Embroider the mouth with straight lines to make a smile or a smirk.

© GPC 2014 P Perkins

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